Hear about our advertising services
Advertising on our platforms can be a completely new experience and very effective marketing step you can take with your business. We offer numerous ways to make your business visible throughout our 16 websites which are translated into 18 different languages. All our advertising is online which will catch you SEO’s. This will tremendously help your appearance on search engines on the world wide web. These search engine are constantly recording search data. Placing ads on our website will help to establish and build your online visibility and help to grow your business.
There are several options to choose from. We have 16 websites each directed to a different demographic of potential customers which will produce measurable data that you can analyze at any time. With divinenaples.com you just don’t place an ad and hope something will happen. Divine Naples wants you to succeed in your endeavors. You are an important part of our community and the strength of our local economy. So, choose an advertising option best suited for your business and budget. Why don’t you try something new.
- Divine Naples Daily Podcast Show
- Add Business to Tourist Guide
- Featured in Best of Naples
- Advertising Banner on our Websites
- Advertise in our Newsletter
- Virtual Visitors Center
- Advertise Happy Hours
- Instagram Live at the Business
- Podcast Sponsorship
- Advertise on Divine Naples Articles
- New in Town
- Display Your Business on Pinboard
- Story of Businesses in Divine Naples
- Add Your Business to our Map
- Divine Naples Radio
- Divine Naples Magazine
- Sponsor Instagram Live
- Downtown Information Center
- Take-out Menu
- Sponsor Drone Flight
- Book of Divine Naples
- Personalized Experience Packages
- Featured Listing in Directory
Divine Naples Daily Podcast Show
Hear about our Daily Podcast Show
The Divine Naples Daily Podcast Show. This is the only daily podcast in Naples, Florida. There are 3 different podcast shows. The Monday through Friday show is a 30-minute show where we introduce our audience to local businesses delivered in a humorous and unique style. Each show is sponsored by a business for a 5-day minimum. The sponsor gets plenty of exposure by the interaction between the hosts.
The second show is on Saturday where we interview a business owner or expert from Naples for one hour. The guests are provided a platform to tell their story about themselves, the Naples area, or their business, and why the do what they do. Throughout the show we play the sponsor advertising several times.
The third show, Matt on the streets of Divine Naples, is on Sunday and is delivered in a entertaining way by bringing our listeners directly inside of a local business. Here the featured business can get up to 20 minutes of exposure with a detailed description of their products or service explained by our two host in their own style. This option is perfect for any business that wants to deliver their passion from behind the scenes of what they do,
All three shows will live forever in our website podcast library together with iTunes, Spotify, and Sound Cloud. People have a tendency to listen to two or three shows in a row or go back to something of interest they may have missed. This will definitely help with the branding of your business. This option is for ONE advertiser only, per show, with no competition. This is the only advertising opportunity for your business to be feature alone.
Add Business to Tourist Guide
Hear about our Tourist Guide
Adding your business to the Divine Naples tourist guide is a smart thing to do. If your business depends on tourism, then tourists need to know where to find you. We have a tourist guide for every city in SWFL. Add your business to one or more cities so people can discover and learn about your particular niche service. This product affords you the opportunity to share your business with locals and visitors. People search for tourist guides in SWFL to get to know the area better. Display your business and attract new customers who will include your business in their itinerary.
Featured in Best of Naples
Hear about being Featured in Best of Naples
This product is for businesses selected by “invitation only” to be featured in the Best of Naples. The crème de la crème of businesses in Naples will be featured on our most pristine webpage for visitors and locals alike to view. We make these businesses visible right on the homepage of Divine Naples. We are very proud of the businesses we feature on this site and want to share them with the world. This is our way of providing these establishments with maximum visibility and the credit they deserve.
Website Banner Advertising
Hear about Web Site Banner Advertising
Website Banner Advertising. All of our 16 websites were created based on categories that are the most searched on the web for Naples, Florida. The content on all of our sites is designed and targeted towards the consumer. You have the ability to select the right site that will attract the most customers to your business. For example, are you in the tourist industry? You might benefit the most from being on our Virtual Visitor Center site. In the case you are a golf related business your banner would be best placed on our golf site. If you need assistance on selecting the best option for your business we are here to help.
Advertise in our Newsletter
Hear about Divine Naples Newsletter
Divine Naples Newsletter. This weekly online newsletter will be distributed to 10’s of thousands of email addresses and delivered in a graphically visual and creative way where we highlight what’s going on at Divine Naples and invite people to visit our 16 websites with new content. Place your ad directly into our newsletter and attract more visitors to your site.
Virtual Visitors Center
Hear about the Virtual Visitors Center
Numerous businesses choose to show off their niche or service in the out of date brochure displays in hotels. The purpose is to target visitors arriving to the hotel for their visit to the Naples/SWFL Area. This provides a limited time to advertise your business at a single point of contact; the hotel lobby!
In 2018 most people don’t carry coupons or brochures in their pockets. They carry them around on mobile devices. Thus, we created the Virtual Visitor Center which is accessible anywhere at any time right in the palm of your hand. Place your brochure in our Virtual Visitor Center for locals and visitors to download on a mobile device and present it at your place of business.
These brochures are visible to other search engines on the net providing you with extra SEO, and saving you money on exorbitant printing and graphics expenses. Additionally, the business owner can actually monitor how many people viewed their brochure at any given time. In the future we can display your brochure in our downtown Divine Naples Visitor Center.
Advertise Happy Hours
Hear about Advertising Happy Hours
Did you know there are 953 restaurants in Naples all fighting to fill their seats? Happy hour seems to be “the Thing” this season. Everybody dreams about looking forward to the end of the day, when you can relax with friends or family at a restaurant or bar with a few drinks and a bite to eat. How do people find the right Happy Hour spot? All restaurants and bars in the Naples area, and maybe yours, are offering some sort of Happy Hour. At this time, it is very popular for people to be looking for Happy Hour specials. For this reason, we have developed the only site which displays all the restaurants and bars with Happy Hour in the Naples Area. If you don’t offer Happy Hour you may want to join the group of establishments which do because they benefit greatly from the exposure. Register your business right now. Increase you bottom line because there is nothing to lose.
Instagram Live at the Business
Hear about Instagram Live at the Business
Instagram is the perfect way to showcase your business live! We have a very talented team of experts that will learn about your business and create a 20 to 30-minute live Instagram feed about the history, passion, and operation of your particular business here in the Naples/SWFL Area. Instagram will automatically notify our followers, and they will have 24 hours to view the featured piece. The Instagram feature will be converted to video, and will be posted to our “You Tube” channel and Divine Naples website where it will live forever.
Podcast Sponsorship
Hear about Podcast Sponsorship
The Divine Naples Daily Podcast. This is the only daily podcast in Naples, Florida. There are 3 different podcast shows. The Monday through Friday show is a 30-minute show where we introduce our audience to local businesses delivered in a humorous and unique style. Each show is sponsored by a business for a 5-day minimum. The sponsor gets plenty of exposure by the interaction between the hosts.
The second show is on Saturday where we interview a business owner or expert from Naples for one hour. The guests are provided a platform to tell their story about themselves, the Naples area, or their business, and why the do what they do. Throughout the show we play the sponsor advertising several times.
The third show, Matt on the streets of Divine Naples, is on Sunday and is delivered in a entertaining way by bringing our listeners directly inside of a local business. Here the featured business can get up to 20 minutes of exposure with a detailed description of their products or service explained by our two host in their own style. This option is perfect for any business that wants to deliver their passion from behind the scenes of what they do,
All three shows will live forever in our website podcast library together with iTunes, Spotify, and Sound Cloud. People have a tendency to listen to two or three shows in a row or go back to something of interest they may have missed. This will definitely help with the branding of your business. This option is for ONE advertiser only, per show, with no competition. This is the only advertising opportunity for your business to be featured alone.
Advertise on Divine Naples Articles
Hear about Advertising on Divine Naples Articles
Divine Naples Story. Divine Naples has done extensive research on search quires on search engines specifically for Naples and the SWFL area. Based on this data our team of creative writer’s write original stories about Naples and the surrounding area. Currently we have hundreds of original stories never published before. These stories are also recorded for people to listen to for their convenience. Your business has the opportunity to sponsor an original story with subject matter related to your business.
New in Town
Hear about New in Town
Provide us with a discount coupon of some sort for people who visit our website when arriving to Naples. When customers sign up for our email we will give them access to a page where they can download a one time offer to your place of business. The coupon will remain on our “New to Town” page for 30 days. This will entice customers to experience different local businesses for the first time.
Display Your Business on Pinboard
Hear about Displaying Your Business on Pinboard
Pinterest is a very powerful medium in the social media world. We have built our own version of Pinterest. Our version is unique because we only post pictures of the Naples/SWFL Area. We correctly code these pictures with metadata so search engines can find any information associated with the pictures. People purchase with their eyes. Publish 100 of your best business pictures on Naples Photo’s with associated metadata containing the most important information on your business. This will also help with search engine scores with extra SEO, and will be the cheapest way to promote your business visually forever.
Story of Businesses in Divine Naples
Hear about Story of Businesses in Divine Naples
If you own a business and would like “your” story written for all to read then Businesses of Divine Naples is for you. We will write the story about the history, vision, and passion behind the business you built. Our creative team will craft a 500-word story with one image of you, and it will be posted on the Divine Naples website where it will live forever. We can also turn it into and audio file for people who rather listen than read. Why wouldn’t you want to make people emotionally connected to your business through your story?
Add Your Business to our Map
Hear about Adding Your Business to our Map
Divine Naples Map is interactive and provides colored markers for different businesses in a specified location. When people look at their GPS map location they will see what’s directly around them. So, add your business today. It is a smart and logical thing to do. Make yourself more visible to people who are simply driving around town. This is especially helpful for tourist who really don’t know their way around town. Your business profile on our directory, and other websites throughout divnenaples.com, will be linked to the map.
Divine Naples Radio
Hear about Divine Naples Radio
Divine Naples is preparing to launch the first online radio program specifically focusing on the Naples/SWFL area. The concept for the program was created by local talent with backgrounds in radio and TV. It was birthed with the dream to build true community and promote the very life blood of Naples; local businesses, the economy, and the people of Naples. The radio content will be original music created by locals in SWFL. We are looking for businesses and community organizations to place advertisements on our programming. The advertisements will run for a month on the daily broadcast at a very affordable price. Songs and advertisements will be placed on a 24/7 loop to maximize exposure for your business or organization.
Divine Naples Magazine
Hear about Divine Naples Magazine
The Divine Naples Magazine will be published once a month. This magazine is offered in an online format where you can purchase ad space in 1/8 page ¼ page, ½ page or full page at affordable pricing. The advertising in our online magazine is also available in video format with clickable links that will take them directly to your website. Those options will never be possible in print advertising.
Sponsor our Instagram Live Show
Hear about our Instagram Live Show
Instagram is becoming one of the most important platforms in today’s world. People are sharing their life experiences on a daily basis through pictures and videos. At Divine Naples we do the same. We do live Instagram feeds every day from different locations in Naples and the greater SWFL area. We cover just about everything under the sun, whether its businesses, events, nature, or places to visit. The live Instagram feeds are about 20 to 30 minutes of raw live information right on the streets. We offer sponsorship advertising opportunities for each Instagram Live. During each live broadcast we mention the sponsor several times. The Live broadcast is sponsored by one business only and the video will circulate on all our social media and will live on our website forever. Each video is posted on our Instagram Story Board and will remain there for 24 hours where thousands of our subscribers will view the live feed. We will also post the Instagram Live segment on our Facebook and You Tube Channel.
Downtown Information Center
Hear about our Downtown Information Center
The Divine Naples Visitor Center is strategically located in downtown Naples; the very Epicenter of the city of Naples. This won’t be your traditional walk in, meet and greet visitor’s center. It’s a unique service provided to first time visitors and those making Naples their new home. We will be providing “one on one consultation” by appointment only, to those visiting or relocating to Naples and wanting to experience the best Naples has to offer. We will provide them with valuable information about the Naples/SWLF area and all there is to see and do. Recreation, shopping, dining, entertainment, real estate, you name it, and we will present it. Our spacious meeting room is cleverly designed to display brochures and fliers of local businesses to our customers. Consider placing your promotional materials in our visitor center. Invite our consigners to your place of business to experience its operation, products or service, first-hand, in order to learn about and present your business to those who come to the Divine Naples Visitor Center.
Take-out Menu
Hear about Take-out Menu
Times change rapidly in the 21st century and people are always on the run. In today’s world people seem to be constantly on their mobile devices texting, emailing, talking, researching, and making purchases. They make decisions in the spare of the moment and the touch of a screen. Divinenaples.com provides the Take-Out Menu option for those who are on the run and want more choices than take-out pizza and Chinese food. Naples is famous for its sandy white beaches and over 900 restaurants. With the Take-out Menu customers can view your specialized menu, pay in advance online, and come and pick up their food. It’s that simple. Sometimes people don’t want to wait for seating and just want a good meal to take to the beach, park, business lunch or to the privacy of their home. This service is a simple process. People order from your menu, you get an email notification of the order, you get paid immediately, and you simply get the order ready for pick-up. We will list any restaurant, bar, coffee shop or bistro which would like to provide locals and tourist with dining options like never before. Let’s give the market place more choices which will result in more business and increase your bottom line.
Sponsor our Drone Flights
Hear about our Drone Flights
Divine Naples employs a drone over the skies of Naples and the greater SWFL Area almost every single day. We record video and voice information so people can learn everything about this beautiful place we call home. This includes businesses. Video of this type is increasingly becoming very popular. New technology has been created to produce high quality media such as you might have seen on Instagram and Facebook. We offer advertisement opportunities to sponsor each flight produced by Divine Naples.
Each flight is sponsored by one business only and this video will circulate on all our social media and live on our website forever
Book of Divine Naples
Hear about the Book of Divine Naples
We are in the works of publishing a book specifically about Naples. Fl. It will be a compilation of unique stories never written before about the history and culture of Naples. If you are interested in being a sponsor of the book publication there will be a limited sponsorship offer. Ten companies will be selected for a full-page ad or message in the book. Please contact Divine Naples if you would like to be considered for placement and you will be notified in the future if you are selected.
Personalized Experience Packages
Hear about Personalized Experience Packages
Tourists are always looking for the ultimate experience when vacationing. There are inundated with chooses of what to see and do. Let us help them with their decision making. Divine Naples has created the Personalized Experience Packages. Whether its romance, fishing, sporting, exploration or dining the Personalized Experience Package will be customized to the individual or family. Learn about Divine Naples Personalized Experience Packages and how we can work together to bring you more business and build the local economy. If you feel like your product or service is the right fit for any of our packages contact us immediately. We will sell the packages on divinenaples.com and in our visitor center. Why don’t you become a part of their unforgettable experience?
Featured Listing in Directory
Hear about Featured Listing in Directory
The Divine Naples Business Directory has over 10,000 business listings separated by categories and additional business are continuously added. For example, electricians are listed in the electrician’s category. With every new business or service that is added to any internet platform the prior listed positions move in a downward spiral on the worldwide web of searches. The same is true for Divine Naples Business Directory. The more businesses are listed the further prior listings fall in positioning. We provide a service that can always guarantee your business to be on the top page of your category in the Divine Naples Business Directory.
Advertising Benefits
1. Be Recognized
Being recognized as a local business is a great thing!
2. Be Local
Local people want to support local businesses.
3. Be Famous
Divine Naples makes local businesses famous.