Southwest Florida has a long history stretching back to the late 1800’s. And with it there are still pieces of it’s history, mostly tragic, that just would not, shall we say, die. Houses, shops, cult worship sites and even an entire island have their own share of freakishness, or so many people claim. Apparently, this region is so popular that its visitors are not only among the living but there are those who come from the afterlife as well. Prepare for spooky nights in Naples, Florida as we take you to a hair-raising tour on the scariest places you can find this side of the country!

Historic Palm Cottage

This is a nice white wooden house, build in the traditional colonial style back in 1895. That being said, this modern-day museum is credited to be the first ever house in Naples, Florida. But don’t be fooled by its beautiful appearance inside and out because despite its pretty gardens and the furniture and kitchenware that looks pretty quaint lies a scary secret. And due to its very long history, some people who have lived in the house can’t seem to get their attachments off of it, even when they’re supposed to be in the afterlife. Guests often report of strange noises and apparitions of people who wear clothing from another century, slip by them every so often.

Koreshan Site

In 1894, a man who called himself Koresh who received divine visions came to Naples, Florida to begin sharing his new found piety to to anyone whom he can convert. This led to him being followed by dozens of people and formed themselves a religious cult which had very weird doctrines, such as the earth being hollow and the sun being an invisible electromagnetic battery. Koresh and his followers cultivated a land along Corkscrew road and used it as their commune where they had communal houses, bakeshops and food storage houses and called it their “New Jerusalem”. Now it gets freakier as when Koresh died, his followers refused to bury him and put his corpse on a glass display believing that he will one day resurrect in that same body. Talk about IRL re-spawning, euch!

Cracker Barrel

The Cracker Barrel is an innocent looking diner off the interstate of Naples but bears a grueling secret. In 1995, three of the diner’s employees were brutally murdered by 2 robbers who ran away with 15,000 dollars. The victims were placed in the kitchen freezer and with their throats slit. The two were eventually arrested and convicted, putting an end to this grizzly tale – or so people thought. Since then, there had been numerous reports of the place being haunted, like chairs moving on their own and the freezer opening on its own and other unexplainable occurrences. The place still serves good food though so, we suggest coming there with not just an empty but also a tough stomach.

Useppa Island

Useppa Island is a small albeit luxurious island off the coast of Naples, Florida which is a favorite spot for beach goers during the day, but as the sun goes down, somebody else seems to be checking in. You see, back in the day when pirates still roamed the seas of the Caribbean, there was one such pirate who abducted a girl and took her to that same island and beheaded her. Today, people report of seeing a  figure of a girl who does not have a head on her shoulders. So much for the island’s welcoming committee.

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