Florida Tops List Among Millenials

Florida is truly a stunning place with much bio-diversity and also a high urbanized area in many of its cities. It’s this marriage of nature and man-made wonders that make Florida live up to its [...]

Naples a Wedding Destination

Once you’ve decided on the most essential choice of your life—who to wed, your next most imperative choice is the place to have your wedding. As should be obvious, it’s difficult to [...]

Boiled Peanuts a Long Time Favorite

Boiled peanuts have been a long time favorite in southern Florida, so much so that it’s become a tradition. You’d find these aromatic legumes being peddled in the street corners thru mini trucks, [...]

Your Naples Florida Bucketlist

Southwest Florida, especially the Naples, Florida area is such a lovely place to spend your summer vacation in. It has world renowned beaches, excellent hotels, fresh food and amazing [...]

Picnic by the Beach

To truly enjoy a picnic with your romantic partner, you would have to make certain preparations. Whether it’s a budding romance or a plan to reignite some old spark, a picnic or better yet a [...]

The Naples Winter Wine Festival

The Naples Winter Wine Festival is a 1-day or sometimes a 2-day occasion that grandstands items like makers and cultivators of different sorts of wines, the wine aficionados and devotees can [...]